Our Vision:
To Know, Grow, and Go!
- KNOW God and His saving grace through Jesus His Son and to be filled and empowered through His Holy Spirit. To KNOW God’s people developing relationships with them so that we may lead them to Christ and to the Body of Christ
- GROW in our relationship with God and people through Discipleship, worship, ministry, and fellowship
- GO share the Good News of Christ with our neighbors and community through service and relationship; Go, again and again
Our Statement of Faith:
- There is but one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He alone is the source of salvation. He is the Savior for all who put their faith in Him for eternal life.
- Those who receive new life through Christ are then called to live a life that is holy, and the only way to do this is through being filled with His Spirit.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God and it is the standard for our life, our faith and our actions.
- God wants everyone to know Jesus as their Savior and their Lord.
- The purpose of the church is to let the whole world know about Christ through our worship, our witness and deeds done through the love of Jesus.

To Learn more about The Wesleyan Church please follow the links below
- Our Story - A brief background look at the Wesleyan Church
- Articles of Religion - An outline of what we believe
- We are made new - A YouTube introduction video